Organic Farming

Organic Farming

Friends, whatever the crop or horticultural crop, its farming cost will be reduced.  The cost of cultivating main leaves is derived from the production of intercrop chemical leaves and the main crop bonus is called natural agriculture.  Natural agriculture is about making all the resources needed to grow crops and produce available at home, not buying from the market under any circumstances and not making any resources at home or in the village that could harm agriculture.  The motto of natural agriculture is ‘village money in the village and city money in the village’.

Friends, in this way, to bring our country's money, not the country's money abroad, but foreign money to the country, is natural agriculture.

The land is Annapurna: - Farmer friends, our land is Annapurna.  The resources required for the crop to grow are sufficient in the soil near its roots and in the environment near the leaves, there is no need to give anything from above.  Our crops take 1.5 to 2.0 percent of the nutrients from the soil.  The remaining 89% to 98.5% is taken from air, sunlight and water.  When air-water is 98% of the frozen crop, where is the need to invest any resources from above.

Any green leaf (plant or tree) makes food by photosynthetic action during the day.  This is a manure factory.

(1) They contain carbon dioxide and nitrogen.

(2) It takes monsoon rainwater from the soil through the roots or water supplied from a well or lake.

(3) illuminates the sun. (PerSq. ft PerDay 12-5 kg calory)

He prepares his food from these three things.  The green leaf of any crop or tree prepares 4.5 grams of food per square foot area during 10 lakh days of sunshine.  Out of these 4.5 grams, we get 1.5 grams of seeds or 2.25 grams of fruit or any other usable plant.  Air, water and solar energy are taken from nature as needed to make food, which is absolutely free.  The remaining 1.5-2.0 per cent mineral salts, which are taken from the original soil.  He gets it for free and takes it from the land which is basically Annapurna.

While it is a fact that countless fruits grow on the trees in the forest every year without planting anything, it means that those elements are already present in the soil near the roots of those trees.  If these complete nutrients are not available in the soil then the plants are not available.  You can cut off the leaves of any tree in the forest and have it analyzed in the laboratory.  You will not find any deficiency in any of these nutrients.  It means that the land is full of elements.  We did not give but got the roots, it means that these elements have given the ground.  All these nutrients were already in the soil.  The land is full of food, the caretaker.  All the elements are present in the soil, there is no need to put anything on top.

Photo by Federico Respini / Unsplash

Farmer friends, if natural agriculture is done, we will not need fertilizers and medicines from outside.  Why the need to apply chemical fertilizer in the forest?  If you go to the forest or look at the sheds of the field, you will see huge mango, bordi, purple or tamarind trees that are lush with fruits.  These trees automatically bear innumerable fruits every year even in drought without any human help.  In the forest we do not plant anything but the trees get everything on their own.  Where is farming done in the forest?  Yet how do countless fruits feel every year?

Agricultural experts tell you to apply desi manure and chemical fertilizer.  Even though there is only manure in the forest, how can there be innumerable fruits every year without manure in the forest?  How are forest trees and plants able to produce innumerable fruits a year without pesticides?  Where is the human race in the forest?

In the year 1924, Dr.  Clark and Drs.  Two geologists named Washington came to India.  He was sent by an oil exploration company called Vamshel to search for oil by drilling up to 1000 feet in Indian soil.  He carried out laboratory tests on boreholes up to 1000 feet and every 6 inches of soil.  The results of that scientific investigation show that the deeper you go into the soil, the more minerals there are.  The soil in depth is full of all minerals.  The land is Annapuni.  There is no shortage of soil, there is no need to add from above.

Soil testing:

Soil surveys have often shown that the soil is not deficient in nutrients but does not produce good yields.  This is due to the lack of physical and biological health of the soil.  In such a soil, plants do not get adequate amount of moisture and nutrients and vapors and smashes cannot form.  If the biological health of the soil is improved, good yields can be achieved despite the availability of less nutrients.  In natural agriculture these qualities are automatically available in the soil.

Soil testing has also shown that many nutrients accumulate in the lower layers of the soil.  The land below is Annapurna.  The work of nourishing the soil layer from the lower soil to the upper soil is done by the decomposable capillary force of the organic matter dissolved in the leaves and by our native earthworms.  It does a great job of pulling them up and making them available through its own means.  If you lift the dung of a native cow lying on the ground, you will see that there are two-four holes in the ground under that dung, these holes make our desi larvae.  This means that the native cow dung has the amazing power to pull worms up.  One gram of native cow has 300 to 500 crore useful food-producing germs.

How much manure is required for one acre of land?  10 kg per acre at least once in a month.  It is necessary to use native cow dung.  Indigenous cow 11 kg manure in one day, indigenous bull 13 kg manure in one day.  Dung and one buffalo 15 kg in a day.  Gives manure.  One day of cow dung is enough for one month for one acre of land.  In this way 30 acres can be cultivated with one cow.

Dosubhash Palekar, a Padma Shri recipient, says, “I saw many kinds of plants growing under the fruit trees in the forest.  I categorized it.  I found 268 species of plants.  The proportion of its three-quarters dicotyledonous plants and monocotyledonous plants remains the same.  I began to wonder why this nature has tripled the number of dicotyledonous plants.  That means nature needs it.  Dicotyledonous plants are high in protein.  Protein is high in solar energy.  When the seed matures, the energy inside it gets to the germs, so that the number of germs increases rapidly.  Thought not to experiment with Cayman dicotyledonous flour, dung, urine and jaggery?  I immediately started experimenting by pouring this flour in different proportions.  The result was very miraculous.  The experiment was named - Jivamrut meaning Jiv Amrit.  ”

More adventures in my own backyard.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash