Types of nethouses, construction and its utility
Net-house is a net made of plastic. To erect a certain type of structure by covering the frame made of pipe with mesh cover.…
The beer-making process produces the same result for both home brewers and major manufacturers…
Citrus fruits, coffee, and avocados: in recent decades, the cuisine on our tables has gotten more variety. However, this development is not reflected in global agriculture.…
About half of the world's population eats rice as a staple diet. Rice farming requires a lot of water, and roughly 15% of rice is farmed in drought-prone areas, according to the German assistance organisation Welthungerhilfe.…
Problem:1 Leakage at submarine site (GTO): Reason: The lateral / poly tube is initially tightened without sufficient space. The grommet has taken off or loosened to pull out the overly tied poly tube, either for human or animal use.…
Measure the exact area of how much area to cover under drip irrigation. Be aware of the type of cropping pattern. Know the quality and age of the crop to be adopted drip system.…
Net-house is a net made of plastic. To erect a certain type of structure by covering the frame made of pipe with mesh cover.…
Many people are always ready to embrace the latest technology. They have a lock to show the new curry. Such people have an adventurous nature.…
Growing or cultivating and using vegetables, fruits, and medicinal plants in the open yard, attic and balcony around the house is called 'Kitchen Garden'.…