Growth and Prospects of export of Dairy Products
The changing food habits and growing income of the people are affecting overall demand for dairy products across the world.…
The changing food habits and growing income of the people are affecting overall demand for dairy products across the world.…
In rural India, about 90% of energy is used for cooking. This energy is derived mainly from wood and to some extent from non-commercial energy such as manure and agricultural waste.…
Even today, most of the population in India lives in villages who use wood, coal, sawdust and farm waste as a source of energy for their daily energy.…
We've all seen a box-shaped family home solar cooker. Millions of people in our country use this solar cooker for daily cooking.…
The solar water system is the second most important source of solar energy after solar cookers.…
The process of removing unwanted moisture from a product using solar energy is called seer drying.…
Biomass is nectar. The measure of the living fertile power of the soil is called "living matter".…
All plants produce food (starch) for themselves by taking in carbon dioxide from sunlight and the atmosphere through their leaf sheaths in order to survive and thrive.…