Animal Shed or Shelters Dairy Barn

In India, the need to increase the availability of supplemental and subsidiary foods, particularly proteins, has become more and more apparent in recent years. The demand for these goods has grown particularly, and as incomes rise, it is projected to grow even faster in the future.…

Planning of Farmstead

Farmers in India usually live in Villages located some distance away from their farms. In the past, living in villages was favoured for mutual protection, for social life, for the services of those serving the community as a whole, and for convenience in getting water supply.…

Contour bunds (watershed Management)

Contour bunds, which are sometimes referred to as contour bunding, are a type of microcatchment technique and a relatively straightforward and affordable method of water control. Along the contour lines, the bunds are formed.…

Watershed management

A watershed is a region of land that drains or "sheds" water into a particular body of water (also known as a drainage basin or catchment area). A watershed is a region of land that drains or "sheds" water into a particular body of water (also known as a drainage basin or catchment area). ‌‌…