Greedfall 2 Developers Strike Over Working Conditions and Gender Equality

Greedfall 2 Developers Strike Over Working Conditions and Gender Equality

Spiders, the French studio behind the upcoming Greedfall 2, is facing a strike action from its employees, who are demanding improvements in working conditions and greater gender equality.

A group of 44 workers, representing over 45% of Spiders' staff, have publicly expressed their grievances in an open letter to their employer, Nacon. The document, released through the French union Stjv, details a range of issues that have plagued the studio for several years, culminating in a decision to strike.

The open letter, which spans 20 pages, outlines specific concerns, including:

Lack of Transparency: Employees cite a "blatant lack of transparency on all aspects of the company," including the production cycle for Greedfall 2, and a general lack of communication from management.

Authoritarian Management: The letter accuses management of "authoritarian and ineffective centralization of power," hindering employee input and collaboration.

Working Conditions: The document points to "unacceptable delays in achieving gender equality and parity," as well as a lack of flexibility and opportunities for remote work.

Wage Discrimination: Employees highlight "wage discrimination against women and non-binary people," demanding immediate rectification of these discrepancies.

The strike, which is scheduled to begin on 2 September, follows an earlier strike action in January, after which the workers claim "conditions in the studio have continued to deteriorate."

In response to the allegations, Spiders' management has released a statement through the union, claiming that the accusations are "false and even defamatory." They also assert their commitment to open communication and have proposed a meeting with employee representatives by the end of the week.

Despite this statement, Spiders' employees remain steadfast in their demands. They are calling for increased transparency, improved working conditions, greater gender equality, and a more collaborative and democratic workplace. The strike is set to include picketing outside the studio's offices and an online gathering on a dedicated Minecraft server.

The situation at Spiders reflects a growing trend of worker dissatisfaction in the video game industry. Last month saw the formation of unions at Bethesda Game Studios and World of Warcraft, indicating a rising awareness of employee rights and a demand for change within the industry.

It remains to be seen whether Spiders' management will address the concerns raised by their employees. The outcome of the strike will have a significant impact on the studio's future and the development of Greedfall 2.

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