FCS Stars Stay Loyal: Zabel and Gronowski Buck the Trend, Leading NDSU and SDSU into Uncharted Territory

FCS Stars Stay Loyal: Zabel and Gronowski Buck the Trend, Leading NDSU and SDSU into Uncharted Territory

Two of the most sought-after players in the Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) made the bold decision to spurn lucrative offers from Power Five schools and remain with their respective FCS juggernauts, North Dakota State (NDSU) and South Dakota State (SDSU). Grey Zabel, a standout left tackle for NDSU, and Mark Gronowski, the record-breaking quarterback for SDSU, opted for loyalty over financial gain, demonstrating a commitment to their teams and a belief in their programmes' potential for success.

Zabel, a fifth-year senior projected as a top 100 NFL draft prospect, had multiple offers in the "high six figures" from Power Five institutions. Gronowski, who led the Jackrabbits to consecutive national titles and boasts a 29-game winning streak, also attracted interest from several top programs, with offers topping out at £1 million. Both players were flooded with inquiries from third parties and directly from coaches during last year's transfer window.

Despite these tempting offers, both Zabel and Gronowski opted to stay put. Their reasons are deeply rooted in their desire to contribute to their programmes' continued success, as well as a strong sense of belonging to the communities that have embraced them.

Zabel, who owns a 250-acre corn farm near Fargo, embraces the concept of "blooming where you're planted". He explained that he didn't want to miss out on the chance to achieve something special with his teammates, particularly with a senior class of 27 players.

Gronowski, a mechanical engineering graduate with a master's degree in engineering management, also prioritised loyalty and a sense of belonging. He admitted to having a childhood dream of playing in the Big Ten, but ultimately decided that the "grass isn't always greener on the other side". He found immense satisfaction in the place he had poured his heart and soul into, and felt a deep connection with his teammates and the community.

Opening weekend presented a captivating test for both players and their programmes. NDSU, ranked second in the FCS, travelled to Boulder to face the Colorado Buffaloes, a team that has aggressively acquired talent through the transfer portal in recent years. Meanwhile, SDSU, the top-ranked FCS team, took on Oklahoma State in Stillwater, aiming to extend their impressive 29-game winning streak.

For Zabel, staying at NDSU offered the chance to contribute to restoring the Bison to their former glory. The programme hasn't won a national title since 2021, a significant drought for a team that had dominated the FCS for a decade. His commitment to his teammates and his desire to end the championship drought were significant factors in his decision.

Gronowski, already a legend at SDSU, saw his return as an opportunity to further cement his legacy. With a chance to break the FCS wins record held by former NDSU quarterback Easton Stick and potentially challenge the FBS record held by former Boise State quarterback Kellen Moore, Gronowski's motivation for staying was evident.

The success of SDSU is intertwined with the dedication of its coaches and staff, who create a unique and supportive environment for their players. The programme leverages its natural resources by accepting donations from local ranchers, providing players with a steady supply of red meat, including ribeye steaks and ground beef. Team gatherings, position coach cookouts, and other events further foster a sense of community within the programme.

While both Zabel and Gronowski possess the talent to succeed at the highest level of the sport, they have found a home in the FCS, contributing to the success of their programmes and inspiring other players to follow their lead. The decisions of these two star athletes offer a refreshing perspective on the evolving landscape of college football, reminding everyone that loyalty, community, and a shared pursuit of excellence can be equally powerful drivers of success.

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