Win a Signed PRS Guitar & More in Creed's Human Clay 25th Anniversary Giveaway!

Win a Signed PRS Guitar & More in Creed's Human Clay 25th Anniversary Giveaway!

Creed, gracing the cover of this month's Guitar World magazine, are celebrating the 25th anniversary of their iconic album *Human Clay

with a deluxe edition release. To mark this milestone, they're giving away a Tremonti PRS guitar, signed by all the band members, to one lucky winner.

The grand prize doesn't stop there. The lucky recipient will also receive a year's subscription to Guitar World magazine, a special collector's edition of their sister publication, *Classic Rock*, featuring a Creed cover, an art card, a signed setlist from one of ten different dates on their current tour, and a copy of *Human Clay

on grey smoke vinyl.

To enter the competition, head over to the official competition launch site at Tunespeak. The competition is open to residents of the US, Canada, UK, Spain, Germany, France, Argentina, Australia, and Mexico. For full terms and conditions, visit the official rules and Tunespeak's terms of service and privacy policy.

<img src="" alt="Creed comp prizes" loading="lazy">
<figcaption>Above: The guitar being signed, plus the limited edition *Classic Rock

magazine with an example of the kind of signed setlist you can win. (Image credit: Future)</figcaption>


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<span class="youtube-video-title">CREED - Human Clay - 25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition (Official Trailer) - YouTube</span>
<img src="" alt="CREED - Human Clay - 25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition (Official Trailer) - YouTube" data-aspect-ratio="16/9" loading="lazy"/>
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You can purchase the 25th anniversary deluxe edition of *Human Clay

now from Craft recordings. Creed are currently on tour. For tour dates, visit their website.

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