Tana Ramsay Opens Up About Heartbreak of Stillborn Son Rocky

Tana Ramsay Opens Up About Heartbreak of Stillborn Son Rocky

Gordon Ramsay's wife, Tana, has shared her emotional journey following the devastating loss of their stillborn son, Rocky, in 2016. The 50-year-old mother of six, who was five months pregnant at the time, spoke candidly about her experience on Giovanna Fletcher's podcast, "Happy Mum Happy Baby."

Tana revealed that during her pregnancy, she experienced bleeding which was initially monitored by doctors. However, the bleeding worsened, leading to a harrowing experience at the hospital. "I sort of leant over to speak to Gordon, and then my waters broke," she said. "It just went from everything's fine, we're just monitoring you, to the baby's going to be born, and that was the most traumatic thing ever."

The shock of the sudden turn of events, coupled with the fact that she had never experienced a miscarriage before, left Tana struggling to process what was happening. "There were parts of it that I almost can't remember because I've blocked it out," she admitted.

The heartbreaking delivery of her stillborn son was a turning point in Tana's life. She described the experience as "this tiny tiny little doll," and the difficulty of explaining the loss to their children. "It's that feeling of emptiness, and then the next morning you're leaving the hospital and you haven't got a baby," she said.

Tana, a former teacher, now shares six children with the celebrity chef, including Megan (26), twins Holly and Jack (24), Tilly (22), five-year-old Oscar, and baby Jesse, who was born in November last year.

She also discussed the challenges of managing a large family while supporting her husband's demanding career. While both Gordon and Tana agreed that she would take on the majority of childcare responsibilities, Tana admitted that she occasionally resented the imbalance. "When I say resent, it's just sometimes I'd be like 'Do you need to sit on the sofa and rest and watch the news and have 10 minutes to yourself? Because I can't do that,'" she explained.

Despite the difficulties, Tana acknowledged that she and Gordon navigated the challenges and that their love for their children was paramount. She also touched upon their fertility struggles and revealed why Gordon was not present for the births of their first three children. "He'd have gone all squeamish and probably fainted, and all the attention would have been on him," she said. "I was like, no, this is my moment."

However, after losing Rocky, the couple decided Gordon should be present at subsequent births. "I don't know what changed. It's just he wanted to be there," she explained. "I felt it would be nice. It was after what we went through with losing Rocky."

Tana's honest and raw account of her journey highlights the profound impact of miscarriage and the resilience of families facing such challenges. She reminds us that even in the face of tragedy, love and support can help navigate through the difficult times.

If you have been affected by this story, advice and support can be found at the Miscarriage Association. You can call them on 01924 200799 or email info@miscarriageassociation.org.uk.

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