Sharon Stone Explains How She Got a Black Eye on Holiday

Sharon Stone Explains How She Got a Black Eye on Holiday

Sharon Stone has reassured her concerned fans about the black eye she sustained while on holiday, revealing the injury was caused by a clumsy incident in her hotel room.

The 66-year-old actress, known for her roles in films like "Basic Instinct," initially shared a photo of herself with the bruise on Instagram on 31 July. Following an outpouring of concern from her followers, she took to the platform on 1 August to explain the mishap in a video.

"I know you're all worried about how I got a black eye so I thought I'd let you know," Stone explained in the video. "I've been in so many hotels in so many countries that I got up in the middle of the night to use the loo and didn't know where I was and smacked my face on the marble."

She swiftly dispelled any speculation of foul play, assuring her followers, "No, nobody did anything to me, and yes, I'm just fine and I'm having a great time and I'm being welcomed very beautifully on my trip everywhere that I've gone, and I'm having just the greatest time."

Stone then playfully moved her sunglasses to reveal the bruise, stating, "It's getting better, but it really is a good-looking shiner. You should see what I did to that marble floor. Thanks so much for caring about me. I care about you too."

The actress's recent trip to Turkey, as she mentioned in her video, follows a busy period of travel across Europe. In July, she attended the Taormina Film Festival in Italy, where she was presented with a lifetime achievement award. Her travels have also taken her to Cannes, France and Rome.

Stone's European adventure has been documented on her Instagram, with numerous photos of herself and her 19-year-old son Laird enjoying the sights and sounds of different cities. Despite the unfortunate black eye incident, it seems the actress is still making the most of her time abroad.

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