Rizzle Kicks Star Jordan Stephens Opens Up on Fame's Dark Side

Rizzle Kicks Star Jordan Stephens Opens Up on Fame's Dark Side

Jordan Stephens, formerly of the chart-topping duo Rizzle Kicks, has revealed a pivotal moment that forced him to confront the struggles that came with his rise to fame.

The 32-year-old musician, known for his energetic performances and catchy tunes, has admitted to a period of self-destruction following a relationship breakdown. While Stephens has been both unfaithful and betrayed in past relationships, one particular break-up proved to be a turning point in his life.

Speaking to The Observer, Stephens confessed, "Yes, I had been unfaithful to girlfriends in the past, I'd also been cheated on. I'd had three, four other relationships before, but I'd never stopped afterwards. 'Oh, we've broken up? I'll go on tour, sleep with whoever, do a bunch of cocaine, or drink loads. I'd numb myself to get through it, then make the same mistakes."

He continued, "This one, however, was a pivotal point for me. I was in a relationship, I messed it up, then everything crumbled. I was confronted by my own behaviour, and by grief, and was forced to make some major changes. That single moment changed my life's trajectory."

Stephens, whose hit song "Down With The Trumpets" propelled him to fame, acknowledged that his early years in the spotlight were marked by a lack of self-awareness. He explained, "I was taking 400mg then, so I'm firing on all cylinders: a rap album, a punk album; hot yoga, new ventures, hitting the gym… and I'm driving myself into debt. I was on one. And I was finger-pointy, but I didn't know anything, bro. The perception I had of myself was so shallow and fragile. All it took was a woman to bin me off and that was it. My whole sense of self disintegrated."

He described the period as "a f*

whirlwind," adding, "There's a lot I don't remember, and I feel totally detached from certain things that happened. But I just think, right now, it's not important. All you need to know is that I had time on my hands, and some cash in the bank."

Stephens' candid revelations provide a stark reminder of the pressures that accompany fame and the potential for self-destructive behaviour when those pressures are not managed effectively. His story also highlights the importance of introspection and taking responsibility for one's actions, even in the face of significant personal challenges.

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