"My Son Is Princess Diana Reincarnated": Aussie TV Host's Bizarre Claim

"My Son Is Princess Diana Reincarnated": Aussie TV Host's Bizarre Claim

In 2019, Australian television presenter David Campbell made headlines with a remarkable claim: his four-year-old son, Billy, believed he was the reincarnation of the late Princess Diana. The story, initially shared in a column for *Stellar

magazine, recently resurfaced on Instagram, sparking renewed interest in the extraordinary assertion.

Campbell initially dismissed Billy's pronouncements as amusing childhood fantasies. However, as Billy began to provide increasingly specific details about Diana's life and tragic death, Campbell felt compelled to share the story.

"This is going to be the strangest column I have ever written, so bear with me," Campbell wrote. "Our youngest, Billy, is 4. Since the age of about 2 and a half, he has shared several tales that at first seemed silly."

The unusual claims began when Campbell's wife, Lisa, showed Billy a card featuring a photo of Princess Diana. "Look! It's me when I was a princess," Billy declared, pointing to the image.

Campbell insists that Billy had no prior knowledge of the royal family, yet the pronouncements continued. One day, Campbell overheard Billy talking about his two "boys". Upon questioning, the then-three-year-old clarified he was referring to his "sons".

Even more unsettling, Billy began to share intimate details of Diana's life, mentioning he had brothers and sisters, including a brother named John. While Campbell and Lisa initially dismissed this as a mistake, they later discovered that Diana indeed had a brother named John, who sadly passed away as an infant before her birth.

The story takes a chilling turn with an anecdote Campbell recounts. "Lisa showed him another photo of Diana, and Billy said: 'There's me as a princess. Then one day the sirens came and I wasn't a princess anymore.' People shiver when we tell them this one," he wrote.

Campbell and his wife, while acknowledging the strangeness of their son's claims, haven't ruled out the possibility of reincarnation. They remain open to further investigation and continue to document Billy's pronouncements, leaving the interpretation to their readers and viewers.

The story, though perplexing, raises questions about the nature of memory, childhood imagination, and the enduring legacy of Princess Diana. Regardless of one's stance on reincarnation, Campbell's account provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of a young child's seemingly extraordinary experiences.

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