Melbourne Metalheads Gravemind Unleash Sci-Fi Horror Single 'Failstate' with Mick Gordon

Melbourne Metalheads Gravemind Unleash Sci-Fi Horror Single 'Failstate' with Mick Gordon

Melbourne-based metal band Gravemind have teamed up with renowned video game composer Mick Gordon for their new single "Failstate," releasing it alongside a stunning sci-fi horror visual crafted in Unreal Engine 4.

Gordon, best known for his work on soundtracks for titles like DOOM, Wolfenstein, and Need For Speed, has a history of collaborating with metal bands. Notably, he previously worked with Bring Me The Horizon on their 2020 album *Parasite Eve

and subsequent EP *Post-Human: Survival Horror*.

"We managed to get in touch with Mick Gordon, the composer of the last two DOOM soundtracks, and somehow convinced him to feature on one of our tracks," explained Gravemind drummer Karl Steller. "We were blown away when he said yes! But it wasn't enough just having him on the song, we wanted him in the video too!"

Conceived and directed by Steller himself, the visual for "Failstate" blends live-action green-screening with a custom-built 3D environment created by Steller and his friend Ed Bellamy. The video features Gordon as the 'player' controlling Gravemind vocalist Bailey Schembri within the fictional world of "Failstate: The Game."

"We knew we wanted to create a homage to video games, so Ed and I immediately started building a video game set in Unreal Engine. We weren't sure exactly what would happen in the 'game,' so Ed 3D printed a suit of armour for our vocalist Bailey. We spent a day shooting different angles and lighting styles of him in his armour against a green screen," explained Steller. "We asked him to do everything from 'give me your best I'm flying a spaceship face' to 'now you're shooting some aliens.' It was actually pretty fun!"

Steller added, "We wanted to include as many video game tropes as possible in the limited time we had. I think we did a pretty good job in the end, and we really hope it triggers some nostalgia in anyone who watches it!"

With clear nods to DOOM, Dead Space, and other sci-fi horror survival games like Alien: Isolation, it's clear that Gravemind have crafted a visual experience that will resonate with video game enthusiasts. If "Failstate: The Game" were ever to become a reality, we'd be first in line at the midnight launch.

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