Lorraine Apologizes for Lionesses-Only Euro Mention

Lorraine Apologizes for Lionesses-Only Euro Mention

Lorraine Kelly found herself in hot water on Monday after seemingly overlooking the men's national teams of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland in a Euro 2025 qualifier good luck message. The presenter, known for her strong Scottish roots, was praised for her humility and quick response.

On her ITV show, Kelly expressed support for the England women’s football team, known as the Lionesses, following the men’s disappointing loss in the Euro final. However, a viewer pointed out the exclusion of the other British nations, prompting Kelly to issue an apology.

“Fair comment Aileen - won’t happen again,” Kelly wrote to the Twitter user, acknowledging the oversight.

The omission was particularly surprising given Kelly's Scottish heritage. Born in Glasgow’s Gorbals area, she faced challenges early on, even being told she’d never make it in television. Despite these obstacles, Kelly's dedication led her to success, eventually allowing her to move to a luxurious mansion in Dundee.

Now residing in a lavish riverside property in Buckinghamshire, Kelly remains connected to her Scottish roots. This unwavering commitment makes her recent oversight even more surprising, prompting further scrutiny on social media.

Responding to the criticism, Kelly displayed resilience and maturity. “I do get what you're saying, it can be really horrible, but I’m old enough and had have enough experience so I can take it,” she remarked. However, she recognized the impact such criticism could have on young individuals starting their careers.

"If I was young, and just starting out it would be horrible, awful. It has got really really bad and it is a real shame, but yeah - mute mute mute," Kelly admitted.

During her acceptance speech at a previous event, Kelly had passionately urged for inclusivity, emphasizing the importance of opportunity for individuals from underprivileged backgrounds. "Don't pull up the ladder, please make it possible for kids like me from my background, from a very working-class Glasgow background," she had stated.

By acknowledging her error and emphasizing the importance of equal opportunities, Kelly demonstrated both humility and a commitment to her values. Her quick response and candid admission serve as a reminder that even successful individuals can make mistakes, but ultimately, it is their actions in response that truly matter.

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