Lily Allen Receives Death Threats After Returning Pandemic Puppy

Lily Allen Receives Death Threats After Returning Pandemic Puppy

British singer-songwriter Lily Allen is facing backlash and online harassment after revealing she returned a rescue dog she adopted during the pandemic. The controversy began on Allen's podcast, "Miss Me?", when she discussed returning the dog, named Mary, after it "ate" her family's passports.

Allen has since taken to Instagram to defend her actions, claiming that she received "abhorrent messages" and death threats following the widespread media coverage of her comments. She also refuted the portrayal of the situation in tabloid articles, claiming they misrepresented her statements and focused on the passport incident, while ignoring the dog's behavioural issues.

Allen stated that Mary exhibited "pretty severe separation anxiety" and struggled to be left alone for extended periods. Despite working with a behavioural specialist, the family ultimately decided that their home was not the best environment for Mary, as they could not adequately meet her needs.

The decision to return Mary was made "after many months and much deliberation" and with the agreement of all family members, Allen stated. She also emphasized that Mary was re-homed within 24 hours of being returned to the shelter with a family already known to them.

Allen's comments have ignited a firestorm on social media, with some users criticising her for returning the dog, particularly after revealing Mary was placed in a new home within a day of being returned to the shelter. However, many have rallied to her defence, praising her honesty and acknowledging the difficulty of caring for a dog with complex needs.

The incident is not the first time Allen has sparked controversy with her online comments. Earlier this year, she drew criticism for stating on the "Radio Times" podcast that having children had "ruined" her music career.

PETA, the animal rights organisation, also chimed in on the situation, posting an Instagram post with the headline "LILY ALLEN RETURNED HER DOG TO THE SHELTER FOR EATING HER PASSPORT," and adding that Mary "may spend months in the shelter waiting for a new family—if she's lucky enough to find one at all."

Allen, who has consistently had rescue dogs since childhood, responded by thanking PETA "for adding fuel to the fire." She asserted that she is "pretty good at ascertaining a dog's needs" and maintained that Mary's well-being was paramount in the decision to re-home her.

The controversy surrounding Allen's return of Mary highlights the complex realities of dog ownership, particularly for those adopting dogs with pre-existing behavioural issues. It also raises questions about the role of social media and public opinion in personal decision-making.

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