Kids' Play Area Blocked: Dad Furious Over Fence

Kids' Play Area Blocked: Dad Furious Over Fence

A father in Cwmbran, south Wales, is outraged after a local housing association blocked off a wooded play area his children frequented with a six-foot fence. Robin Willis claims his two sons, aged nine and ten, now have nowhere to ride their bikes after access to Garw Wood was restricted due to complaints from neighbors.

The issue began in June when Bron Afon housing association decided to close off the woodland after reports of anti-social behavior and damage to trees. Willis maintains that other children in the area helped to clean up the debris, including "cans, plastic glasses and bottles," and that his sons, along with other kids, had cleared the area of brambles, making a small bike track.

"The area was overgrown and people have used it for a shortcut and the boys have cleared rubbish out of there," Willis told the South Wales Argus. "They had four black bags of rubbish out of there and there were cans, glass and plastic bottles."

He also expressed concern that his children and other youngsters in the area have no other suitable place to ride their bikes. He claims they're often yelled at for riding on a nearby rugby pitch, and the closest skate park is two miles away.

Bron Afon, however, maintains that areas dug up by children for bike ramps represent a lack of planning with negative consequences. They also claim that their maintenance team was required to clear "large amounts of litter" from Garw Wood at the end of June, and dispute Willis' claims that children had cleaned up the area.

The housing association has stated that Garw Wood will remain fenced off until further notice while they consider ways to make it safe and accessible. They also plan to assess the best approach for allowing the woodland to recover.

Bron Afon has outlined their ambition for the area, stating they want to use it to contribute to the National Forest for Wales, a Welsh Government initiative dedicated to creating new woodlands and restoring existing ones. They are also working with Torfaen Council to replant trees in the wood and are considering installing staggered wooden fencing in the area.

In addition, Bron Afon is exploring the possibility of setting up educational woodland activities for residents. However, for now, the fence remains a barrier for children looking for a safe and enjoyable place to play and learn.

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