Kelly Osbourne Slams Sid Wilson After Burn Pile Accident

Kelly Osbourne Slams Sid Wilson After Burn Pile Accident

Kelly Osbourne has expressed her frustration with Slipknot DJ Sid Wilson following a severe burn injury he sustained while messing with a bonfire. The incident left Wilson with significant burns to his face and arms, prompting him to share graphic videos of his hospital stay online.

The couple's toddler was present in the emergency room alongside Kelly, who took to Instagram to share her reaction to the situation. In a video shared on her platform, Osbourne, holding their child, expressed her anger towards Wilson, stating, "This is why you don't mess with burn piles. He literally set himself on fire and exploded everything."

The video shows medical personnel attending to Wilson, creating a dramatic backdrop to Osbourne's commentary.

Wilson has reassured his fans that despite his appearance, he is committed to making a full recovery to ensure his participation in Slipknot's upcoming September tour, which features ten scheduled shows.

The DJ's recovery will be critical, as the first date of the tour is scheduled for September 1st. It remains to be seen whether Wilson will be able to fully recover in time for the band's return to the stage.

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