Katie Price's Boob Job Fund Stalls

Katie Price's Boob Job Fund Stalls

Katie Price's plea to fans to fund her latest breast augmentation is struggling to gain traction. The 46-year-old former glamour model launched a fundraising effort on OnlyFans, promising exclusive snaps of her new cleavage to subscribers who contribute to her £6,200 goal.

The "more you pay, the more you see" campaign, however, has seen limited success, with only £399 raised so far – just six percent of her target.

Last week, reports revealed that Price had only managed to gather £262 for her 17th breast surgery, which she underwent in Belgium. This recent procedure is part of a long history of plastic surgery, with Price having undergone 16 previous breast augmentations.

Despite her previous success with OnlyFans, Price's loyal online following seem hesitant to contribute to this latest venture. Her latest fundraising efforts come after she was declared bankrupt for the second time in March due to an unpaid tax bill of over £750,000. She currently owes £142,405 and £196,735 for the tax years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, plus £140,000 in VAT.

Undeterred, Price has taken to OnlyFans to rally her subscribers, asking: "Want to be the first to see exclusive pics of my new boobs?" and reminding them that those who contribute will get a sneak peek.

Price’s surgery decision follows a pattern of seeking surgical enhancement. She revealed on her podcast, "The Katie Price Show," that she opted for a reduction this time, explaining that one breast was bigger and had dropped. She insists that it's more of a corrective procedure, as she's aiming for a smaller size.

Despite medical professionals warning her of the risks associated with traveling back to the UK shortly after surgery, Price has reportedly booked train travel for the same day.

This latest fundraising attempt follows her previous ambition in 2022 to have the "biggest boobs in Britain."

With Price’s financial struggles and constant quest for surgical enhancements, it remains to be seen if her OnlyFans campaign will reach its target and if fans will embrace her "pay-to-see" approach.

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