Kathie Lee Gifford Finds Joy in Grandkids

Kathie Lee Gifford Finds Joy in Grandkids

Kathie Lee Gifford, former co-host of "Today," finds solace and happiness in her grandchildren, calling them her "purpose" in life. The 70-year-old author, recently promoting her historical non-fiction book "Herod and Mary: The True Story of the Tyrant King and the Mother of the Risen Savior," shared her deep affection for her three grandsons.

Gifford, fondly nicknamed "Bubbe" by her grandchildren, expresses profound gratitude for the time she spends with Frank (2), Ford (7 months), and Finn (12 months). She describes her daily routine as being significantly altered since her children became parents, but finds immense joy in the presence of her grandkids.

"I'm just so grateful for them," she says. "They're precious and they give me a purpose to get up every morning when everything else is just not the same for me."

Gifford acknowledges life's changes, emphasizing her search for joy. "Life is just so different and I just try to find joy when I can find it. And the only place I can really find it is in the Word of God and in my grandsons," she reveals.

In June, Gifford spoke about the profound impact of becoming a grandmother, highlighting the joy of witnessing her children step into new roles. "I had my children later in life and I've certainly had my grandchildren later. It is exactly what everybody's always told me, which seems like such a cliché. But clichés — they're real. Because they're true," she says.

She adds, "There is nothing like it in the whole world. To see my children, first of all, so in love with their spouses. I'm so grateful to God for that. They picked wisely. They're so in love and it makes me so happy. Then to see them parenting the way they do, which is beyond."

This year, Gifford shared her plans to celebrate Mother's Day with her family, emphasizing their daily FaceTime calls and the special bond she shares with her grandkids. "I told my kids every year don't get me anything. Just be with me. And we FaceTime almost every day, early in the morning, because they've got two little ones — my son does and Cassidy's got one little one. They're just precious. I'm long past ever wanting gifts unless they wanted to make Bubbe a little painting. And those kinds of things make my heart sing. I also love singing to them and making up naughty little songs," Gifford concludes.

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