Gaga's Olympic Opening Ceremony Performance Pre-Recorded Due to Rain Fears

Gaga's Olympic Opening Ceremony Performance Pre-Recorded Due to Rain Fears

Lady Gaga's highly anticipated performance at the Olympic opening ceremony was pre-recorded due to concerns about the weather, according to the event's choreographer. The Grammy-winning singer reportedly remained backstage during the ceremony, watching her performance on a screen from her dressing room before returning to her hotel.

Maud Le Pladec, the choreographer and head of dance for the Olympics and Paralympics, explained that the decision to pre-record Gaga's performance was made for safety reasons. “Unfortunately, it was the only performance that, for safety reasons, we had to pre-record late in the afternoon, once we knew for sure that it was going to rain,” she revealed to Variety.

“We had minute-by-minute weather updates. We had never watched the weather forecast so closely in our lives,” Le Pladec added. “We assessed that it would be too dangerous for the performers, even with a few drops of rain. Gaga wanted to perform absolutely, so we preferred to pre-record it rather than cancel it.”

The choreographer described Gaga's performance as the “most artistically challenging” of the 12 musical numbers featured in the ceremony. She stressed that attempting the performance in the rain would have carried a significant risk of disaster.

The decision to pre-record Gaga's performance has been met with mixed reactions. Some fans expressed disappointment that they wouldn't get to witness the performance live, while others praised the organisers for prioritizing the safety of the performers.

Regardless of the controversy, Gaga's pre-recorded performance still served as a powerful opening to the Games, showcasing her unique artistry and captivating the global audience.

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