From 'The Cougar' to 'The Vixen': The Chase Stars Reveal Their Ditched Nicknames

From 'The Cougar' to 'The Vixen': The Chase Stars Reveal Their Ditched Nicknames

The iconic Chasers on ITV's *The Chase

have become household names, each with a distinct moniker that reflects their formidable quizzing skills. But before they landed on their current, memorable titles, these brainiacs had a few nicknames that didn't quite make the cut.

It turns out that host Bradley Walsh is the mastermind behind most of these monikers. Mark Labbett, known as "The Beast," already had his nickname long before joining *The Chase*, a reference to his towering stature and surname. However, Jenny Ryan's journey to becoming "The Vixen" was a bit more complicated.

The 42-year-old quizzer revealed to *The Daily Mail

that her initial nickname was "The Cougar," a title she quickly rejected as "too racy." Instead, Walsh, drawing inspiration from Ryan's signature ponytail, dubbed her "The Vixen," a moniker that better suited her personality and on-screen presence.

Anne Hegarty, another formidable Chaser, also had a change of heart when it came to her nickname. While initially dubbed "The Headmistress," she opted for the more "kinky" title "The Governess," a suggestion from Walsh during rehearsals.

Shaun Wallace, a barrister and one of the original Chasers, was originally known as "The Legal Eagle" by Walsh during early tests. However, the 62-year-old was soon given the name "The Dark Destroyer," a moniker that initially caused him some concern. Despite criticism, Wallace has defended his nickname, stating that he is "proud" of his "dark and Black" heritage, noting that the title was already in use by former boxer Nigel Benn.

Mark Labbett, however, faced a different hurdle with his "The Beast" moniker. According to *The Daily Mail*, he has been involved in discussions with ITV lawyers about the trademark of his nickname. Labbett has refused to surrender the rights to the show, as he sees it as a valuable asset.

The final two Chasers, Paul Sinha and Dennis Ennis, are known as "The Sinnerman" and "The Menace" respectively, names that have become synonymous with their on-screen personas.

From rejected names to iconic monikers, the story of the Chasers' nicknames offers a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes process of creating a successful quiz show. Each name is a reflection of the individual's personality and strengths, ultimately contributing to the show's enduring popularity and unique charm.

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