First Dates Secrets: Behind-the-Scenes Truth Revealed by Former Contestant

First Dates Secrets:  Behind-the-Scenes Truth Revealed by Former Contestant

A former participant of Channel 4's popular dating show "First Dates" has shed light on the inner workings of the programme, revealing some surprising details about how the show is filmed and who actually foots the bill for those romantic meals.

Annabelle Gauntlett, who appeared on the show during the pandemic, initially applied for a spot as a lighthearted joke. However, after a two-hour interview in Manchester with the show's producers, she found herself thrust into the spotlight.

"They interrogated me about my personality and lack of a love life," Annabelle told the Inverness Courier. "Considering my episode was filmed during Covid, I never expected to be chosen for the cast."

Following the interview, Annabelle underwent a psychiatric evaluation to ensure she was mentally prepared for the experience. Once she passed that hurdle, the producers found her a suitable match.

As she made her way back to Manchester for the filming, anxiety gripped Annabelle. "I couldn't believe I was actually doing this," she recalled. "I was riddled with nerves as I waited for the crew to attach my microphone."

Upon entering the iconic "First Dates" restaurant, she was greeted by the show's charismatic host, Fred Sirieix.

"He took me to the bar and I had a lovely chat with Merlin Griffiths, the bartender," Annabelle said. "We had a good laugh about my hometown."

Soon, she met her blind date, Charlie from North London. The cameras faded into the background, and Annabelle found herself enjoying a genuine date.

"While people might imagine the setting to be staged and cameras hovering around the table, it's actually quite the opposite," she explained. "On the show, you're left to your own devices, just like a normal date."

Viewers are often treated to the classic "who pays?" dilemma at the end of the meal, but Annabelle unveiled a surprising truth.

"At the end of the date, which flew by, the bill arrived, and it was actually paid by the cast," she revealed. "After some discussion, Charlie offered to pay."

Following the date, both Annabelle and Charlie expressed interest in seeing each other again, and they shared some drinks together at their hotel. However, their romance didn't blossom beyond that point.

"While we both enjoyed the experience and getting to know each other, it just wasn't meant to be," Annabelle explained. "Charlie continued his long shifts as a chef in London, and I moved to Scotland to pursue my dream as a journalist."

Despite the romantic outcome, Annabelle cherishes the experience. "It's something I'll never forget, and I'm glad I have a friend to laugh about it with," she said.

"First Dates" continues to air on Channel Four on Tuesdays at 10pm.

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