Cameron Confirms: He's Still Directing Avatar 4 & 5

Cameron Confirms: He's Still Directing Avatar 4 & 5

James Cameron has provided a definitive update on the progress of "Avatar 4" and "5", confirming his continued involvement as director. Despite previous hints of stepping back from the franchise, Cameron has declared his intention to helm the upcoming sequels.

The director, renowned for blockbusters such as "Titanic" and the original "Avatar", has already directed the first two films in the series, both of which achieved box office success exceeding £2 billion. With "Avatar 3" ("Fire and Ash") slated for release in December 2025, Cameron had previously suggested he might pass the directorial reins for the subsequent installments, focusing on other projects.

However, in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Cameron dispelled any uncertainty. When asked if he still planned to personally direct the fourth and fifth films, he stated definitively: "Sure. Absolutely. I mean, they’re going to have to stop me. I got plenty of energy, love doing what I’m doing. Why would I not? And they’re written, by the way. I just reread both of them about a month ago. They’re cracking stories. They’ve got to get made. Look, if I get hit by a bus and I’m in an iron lung, somebody else is going to do it."

This reassurance confirms Cameron's commitment to the "Avatar" franchise, which he has described as "all-consuming". The ambitious undertaking, initially conceived as a five-film saga, has seen the release of "Avatar: The Way of Water" in 2022. "Avatar 4" and "5" are currently in various stages of production, with release dates pencilled in for 2029 and 2031 respectively.

While Cameron had previously considered handing over the directorial baton, it seems his passion for the "Avatar" universe has ultimately prevailed. The franchise, with its groundbreaking visual effects, captivating narrative, and immersive world, holds a significant place in Cameron's creative vision. The director's dedication to the series suggests his continued involvement will bring a unique perspective and depth to the upcoming sequels.

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