Bikeriders: Hells Angels Leader Gives Film a 10/10 for Realism

Bikeriders: Hells Angels Leader Gives Film a 10/10 for Realism

Jeff Nichols' new film, *The Bikeriders*, starring Austin Butler, Jodie Comer, and Tom Hardy, has captured the attention of critics and audiences with its gritty portrayal of a motorcycle club in the 1960s. But the film has also earned the praise of a real-life bikerider – Pat Matter, former leader of a Hells Angels chapter.

Matter, who served 17 years for his crimes and association with the club, recently reviewed various scenes depicting biker gangs in movies and TV for Insider. While shows like *Sons of Anarchy

received mixed scores from the experienced biker, *The Bikeriders* impressed him with its authentic portrayal of motorcycle club life.

One scene that particularly resonated with Matter involved a retaliatory arson attack. After Benny (Butler) is beaten up in a bar, Tommy (Hardy) orders his gang to burn the establishment to the ground. While some might find this scene overly dramatic, Matter awarded it a perfect 10 out of 10 for its realism. He recounted a similar incident from 1994, where a bomb was planted outside a clubhouse belonging to a prospective Hells Angels chapter, the Hells Henchmen.

"In 1994, we had a prospective chapter that the Minnesota Hells Angels was sponsoring… and they had a clubhouse in Chicago," Matter explained. "Naturally, the Outlaws are from there and they didn’t like another club wanting to join Hells Angels. So there was a bomb placed in a car right outside the clubhouse, and I believe it was the third-biggest bomb in history on United States soil."

He continued, "One of my members from Minnesota was down there, and I was worried about him being… and I remember this very well. So I called down to find out if he was okay, and he was. And nobody got hurt on this, but it was quite a big deal. This one would be a 10 [out of 10], because it’s happened. I mean I’ve witnessed it personally."

*The Bikeriders

itself is based on a true story, drawing inspiration from Danny Lyon's best-selling photography book. Lyon, who documented the real Outlaws Motorcycle Club in the 1960s, explored the lives and motivations of those drawn to the gang and its burgeoning power. The film's characters are based on individuals Lyon captured in his photographs and interviews.

Adding a meta layer to the film, *The Bikeriders

frames its narrative around Lyon's own journey. Mike Faist portrays Lyon in the film, following the Vandals as they navigate their rise and fall. The story is told from the perspective of Cathy (Comer), who recounts the club's history through her conversations with Danny.

*The Bikeriders

is a compelling and realistic portrayal of motorcycle club life, garnering acclaim for its authenticity and nuanced exploration of masculinity, brotherhood, and the allure of outlaw culture. The film's use of real-life events and its dedication to accurately reflecting the world of bikers has earned it praise, particularly from those who know the subject matter best.

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