Accessible Remote Production Hub Opens in Cardiff Ahead of 2024 Paralympics

Accessible Remote Production Hub Opens in Cardiff Ahead of 2024 Paralympics

Cardiff has welcomed a new state-of-the-art remote production facility, the Cymru Broadcast Centre (CBC), designed to deliver large-scale global productions while setting a new standard for accessibility in the industry.

Located at Tramshed Tech, the CBC boasts an impressive range of facilities, including a central apparatus room, two production control rooms and sound control rooms, a master control room, multiple edit suites, two production offices and a multiplex. These are supported by diverse connectivity provided by BMC via Open Reach and Ogi fibre.

Beyond its technical capabilities, the CBC stands out for its commitment to accessibility. Developed in partnership with The Ability People, the facility features a changing spaces toilet, wide walkways, ramps, power-assisted doors and accessible signage. Careful consideration has been given to colour schemes and signage throughout the facility, ensuring its usability for a wide range of individuals.

This focus on accessibility extends beyond the physical space. Media consortium Media Cymru and Channel 4 co-funded research and development into accessibility in live production alongside The Ability People. The resulting report aims to serve as a case study for other technical facilities, sharing best practices and promoting inclusive production for everyone.

Timeline TV, who played a key role in designing and equipping the CBC, will operate the facility following the Paralympics. Their expertise in both traditional broadcast technologies and innovative remote production solutions ensures the centre's flexible design can accommodate a diverse range of production needs.

The CBC will play a crucial role in Channel 4's coverage of the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games, delivering over 1,300 hours of content, including 300 hours for linear TV and 1,000 hours across 16 live streams. Over 200 individuals will be working on the production.

The facility is already attracting international production interest, and a series of entry-level training schemes are planned to nurture the next generation of broadcasting talent.

"This is a fantastic opportunity to be heading up the technical facilities at the first fully-accessible remote production facility in Wales," said Stuart Frayne, Head of CBC Technical Operations. "The Broadcast Centre's flexible design, alongside our partners Timeline TV's wealth of experience, will enable a wide range of production solutions."

Sunil Patel, Co-Founder and CEO of Whisper, the production partner for Channel 4's Paralympics coverage, highlighted the significance of the CBC: "Bringing the C4 2024 Paris Paralympics to Cardiff means it will be one of the biggest sporting productions to come out of the nation, with more to come in 2025. The Cymru Broadcast Centre is the crystallisation of an idea that will impact positive change within Wales and leave a lasting legacy. This goes down as a special moment at Whisper."

Alex Mahon, Channel 4 CEO, echoed the sentiment: “The realisation of the state-of-the-art, fully accessible Cymru Broadcast Centre in Cardiff chimes with everything Channel 4 stands for. It’s a wonderful example of what can be achieved when we pull together with a focus to make our industry accessible to everyone. It’s a fabulous asset for Cardiff and I’m genuinely thrilled that its inaugural broadcast will be Channel 4’s coverage of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.”

The CBC represents a significant investment in Cardiff's broadcasting infrastructure, showcasing the city's potential as a hub for innovative and inclusive production. The facility promises to leave a lasting legacy, not only in terms of its technical capabilities but also its commitment to accessibility and inclusivity for all.

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