ABC Regains TNA Tag Team Titles at Slammiversary

ABC Regains TNA Tag Team Titles at Slammiversary

ABC, comprised of Ace Austin and Chris Bey, have become the new TNA Tag Team Champions after defeating The System (Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards) at Slammiversary.

The match was a hard-fought battle, with The System utilizing underhanded tactics and interference to maintain control early on. However, ABC's resilience and teamwork eventually prevailed.

The turning point came when The System's interference backfired. Chris Bey, while attempting to attack Eddie Edwards, accidentally hit Alisha Edwards in the corner. ABC capitalized on this mistake, hitting their respective finishers on Myers and Edwards for the win.

This marks ABC's third reign as TNA World Tag Team Champions, their first since winning the titles at Bound For Glory in October 2023. The System's reign, which began by defeating ABC, lasted 133 days.

Here's a breakdown of the match:

- The System dominated early, using cheap shots and interference to keep Ace Austin grounded.
- Ace finally fought back and tagged in Chris Bey, who unleashed a flurry of offense on Eddie Edwards.
- Bey hit a moonsault on Edwards in the corner, but Edwards responded with a stiff shot that sent Bey reeling.
- Myers and Edwards continued their assault on Bey, but Ace made a crucial comeback, knocking Edwards out of the way.
- Bey hit a cutter on Myers on the apron, followed by a somersault dive from Ace that knocked Edwards down, sending the crowd into a frenzy.
- The System briefly regained control with a spear, but ABC countered with a Magic Killer for a near-fall.
- The match culminated in a chaotic sequence, where Bey accidentally hit Alisha Edwards, allowing ABC to hit their finishers and secure the victory.

This win signifies a triumphant return to the top for ABC, showcasing their undeniable talent and ability to overcome adversity. It remains to be seen how long they will hold onto the titles and what challenges await them as they navigate the competitive TNA tag team division.

Fans are eager to see what the future holds for ABC as they begin their third reign as champions. Have you been following the TNA tag team division? Who do you think will be the next challengers for ABC? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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