Hybrid Headaches: Navigating Application Performance in a Complex World

Hybrid Headaches: Navigating Application Performance in a Complex World

A recent GigaOm survey, conducted by SolarWinds and involving 352 senior and technical decision-makers across North America and Western Europe, delves into the challenges of building and managing performant applications in a hybrid environment. The survey, which builds on similar research conducted two years ago, offers valuable insights into evolving trends, challenges, and responses in the application performance management space.

Bridging the Gap Between Strategy and Reality

The survey reveals a significant discrepancy between intended cloud strategies and the actual state of application architectures. While only 43% of organisations favour a hybrid strategy for their cloud applications, 56% operate with a hybrid architecture. This suggests an unplanned shift towards hybrid, driven by factors beyond strategic planning. The survey also highlights the growing importance of customer experience, with 70% of respondents identifying it as a key driver for adopting a cloud-first approach. Interestingly, only 50% cited lower cost of delivery as a primary motivator, indicating a move beyond cost-saving as a central decision-making factor.

Navigating Complexity: The Biggest Operational Challenge

Application complexity emerges as the primary operational challenge, cited by 51% of respondents. This complexity is pushing organisations towards unplanned hybrid models, despite their initial preference for cloud-based solutions.

Observability Takes Centre Stage: Real-time Performance Measurement Reigns Supreme

The survey underscores the critical role of observability in managing application performance. A significant 64% of respondents prioritised real-time performance measurement as a key operational capability. The increasing adoption of large language models (LLMs) and artificial intelligence (AI) in operational management further highlights the growing emphasis on advanced analytics and automation in this field.

Tooling for Success: Identifying Performance Improvements Leads the Way

When it comes to tools, the survey reveals the positive impact of existing solutions. The ability to identify performance improvements is the most significant benefit, cited by 64% of respondents. However, there's a clear need for enhancement in higher-order features such as trace analysis and business/retail metrics.

Learning from Leaders: The Value of DevOps Adoption

The survey analyses the experiences of organisations with varying levels of DevOps maturity, offering valuable lessons for those struggling with cloud-first aspirations. Organisations with limited DevOps experience face greater challenges in managing complexity and building a comprehensive view of performance. This is particularly evident in the area of operational skills, with 46% of organisations with limited DevOps experience citing a lack of skills compared to 30% of those with more mature DevOps practices.

The Cloud-Native Advantage: Prioritizing Real-time Performance and Business Outcomes

The survey also highlights the distinct advantages of cloud-native organisations in their approach to performance management. A staggering 81% of cloud-native respondents prioritise a real-time view of performance, compared to 60% working in legacy or virtualized environments. Additionally, cloud-native organisations demonstrate a strong focus on linking application performance to business outcomes, a key lesson for all organisations to adopt.

Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to Performance Management is Key

The survey findings underscore the need for a comprehensive and integrated approach to application performance management. To address the challenges posed by complexity, organisations must embrace robust tooling that offers a holistic view of performance across the application stack. Moreover, building skills around cloud-based and DevOps approaches is essential to avoid the pitfalls of unplanned hybrid environments. By proactively investing in skills and adopting a holistic approach to performance management, organisations can navigate the complexities of a hybrid world and ensure optimal application performance.

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